Monday, September 8, 2014

Introduction to the Benton Legacy

Welcome to the Benton Legacy. This blog is a story based on The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge created by Pinstar. If you aren't familiar with this challenge, it was first created for The sims 2, and has been adapted to fit the new parameters and game style of The Sims 3 and now the Sims 4. You can find the official challenge website here.

Succession Laws for the Benton Legacy are:

Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.

Traditional: Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are ineligible to be named heir unless there are no naturally born children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.

Exemplar: At the beginning of the challenge, name a single trait. This trait must be one of your founder’s three traits.. Any eligible heir that has this trait will gain the title of heir. If a single generation has no children with this trait or more than one exemplar, follow the First Born rule.

Exemplar Trait: Self Assured

Meet Dahlia Benton. She is a quirky gal with the Romantic, Self-Assured and Creative traits. Her Lifetime Aspiration is to be a Freelance Botanist, and this givers her the added collector trait.( I think that's right I'll change it later if it's not)

Say Hello Dahlia.

Hmmmm? What? Hang on this is a really cool game.

(sigh) Hopefully that phone continues to amuse her. Life isn't going to be very easy for her with no actual house to live in.

What's that about my house? I bet it will be fantastic and I can't wait to see it. I hope it's a ranch styled home with a big yard and great views.

I think that can be you'll see it soon enough.